
Board of Directors


The Rev. Robert Childers, President
Ms. Virginia Maurer, Vice President
Ms. Angela Shelley, Treasurer
The Rev. Jim Warnock, Secretary

Board Members

The Very Rev. Walter Brownridge
The Rev. Ian McPherson
Ms. Erin Newton
Ms. Marilyn Peterson

For general inquiries

Email us at

Almighty God, who through the life,
death and resurrection of your son Jesus
Christ, has committed us to the ministry
of reconciliation through forgiveness and
love: Give us confidence in your external
power to heal, of which Christ’s cross is
for us a sign.  Bless, in his name, the
Community of the Cross of Nails
throughout the world, and enable its
members to be witness of your work
among us.  Unite us in a sacred fellowship
to further your purposes of healing, and
enable all to know that we are your
disciples because we love one another,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.